North Coast to Greens Beach, Narawntapu National Park, Port Sorell

Sunday, January 19: Anson Bay to Galdstone and Bridport
in the morning we leave Ansons Bay and the east coast. The next 9 days we enjoy the north coast. First we ride to Gladstone and we are lucky
that the petrol station shop is open-and we can get some food. Later we ride to the beautiful Bridport, we are pleasantly surprised,
the sea is much warmer than in the east or in the south.
We decide not to camp and so we stay over night at the Platypus Park in Bridport, ( see accommodation >>>) Christian prepares a nice tea
with vegetables from the farm and fresh fish, the farmer just was fishing and we could have same of this nice fish.
At twilight we go to the ponds and the river near the house, but we do not see any of these interesting creatures (Platypus) -
The evening walk was nice anyway and later we sleep very well in the wonderfully soft bed.
Monday January 20 : Bridport to Greens Beach
The road from Bridport to Georgetown is not for the faint of heart, and certainly not for bikes. Because of the many logtrucks,
milk trucks, or any other truck on this narrow road. The only thing to is, go out of the way when a track approaches.
(Even drivers have great respect and warn us by the shop). So we are extremely pleased to reach Georgetown.
In the tourist info the nice man tells us, there is for years no ferry across the lagoon The detour for us would be 50 km more busy highways.
We are determined to find a way to go over this lagoon
The policeman, whom we encounter in his police car at the beach, tells us the same, now ferry, no way to cross the river. But no worries, take the road, it's safe.
The two nice old fishermen who approached now, on the trailer a small boat, to go for a boat ride wiht two small grandchildren.
This two men make not many words, about something is not possible - in 10 minutes we are on the other side and in the paradise.
We can not say really thank you, is the grandfather already back to his friend and his grandchildren.
Two fishermen are here in Kelso at the dock, we ask, where we can get something to eat. Just 15 minutes by bike at Greens Beach, with Shop, Cafe and Takeaway.
Because we want to the other end of the park later, we ask about the distance to Bakers Beach. Oh, that's very hilly, gravel road,
you'll need 3-4 hours to push the bikes. He was a true connoisseur of the situation and obviously he rides himself bicycles,
and one of the few who knew the right time for cyclists.
But it is different - today we don't go on to Bakers Beach, we just like Greens Beach so much, that we decide, to camp on the cliffs here in the national park.
The shop in Greens Beach has good fruits and the best fresh cherries on offer. When night falls, there are a lot of wallabies
(small kangaroos) in the bushes and a bright colorfull sunset.
Tuesday, January 21
In the morning we want to go back to the shop for breakfast, but along the way an elderly gentleman invites us to breakfast.
He is retired, formerly he had his own business with Oil trucks
He cooks us breakfast and coffee and shows us where we can swim close to his house .
Thankfully, we say goodbye to him and then drive this gravel road over a hill to Narawantapu National Park, where we hope finally to see wombats.
Just before the park is new a little coffee shop where an elderly man sells icecream, snacks and drinks - it's open in the afternoon.
We have indeed been well stocked in Greens Beach with edibles, since we know that there is nothing to buy in and around the park.
But we never do lightly such a beautiful opportunity and who knows when the next warm coffee is there, and it's always interesting
to chat with someone of such an interesting business.
Then when we arrive comfortably at 4 pm in the park, the info desk, the ranger office is already closed, we swim at Bakers Beach.
Later we put up the tent on the camp site next to the park info, for the first time with charge. Because in this meadow next to
the campground at evening and morning many Wombats shall feed.
After that, we still make the 2-hour walk to the Archers Knob (-> pictures).
Wednesday, January 22 to Friday, January 24: from Narawantapu National Park to Port Sorell / Shearwater / Hawley Beach
In the morning a short swim at the beautiful Bakers Beach and then we go on. To us is not yet clear how far it goes today, as often here in Tasmania.
We continue on side roads and we have to go around the lagoon of the Rubicon River over the bridge and a stretch on the highway.
And we decide to ride to Port Sorell, both of us like to have a few quiet days Tired of all the steep gravel roads and
the logtruck traffic towards Georgetown has given us a damper to joyful onward journey. What once again turned out to be lucky -
Port Sorell / Shearwater / Hawleybeach is ideal for us. At the beginning of Port Sorell, the Berry Patch, makes first class berry ice cream filled in cornets,
made in a monster of a machine.- made with ice cream and own frozen farm fruits - that is for 4 days our lunch in versions: once raspberry,
then Mixed Berry or Mango and blackberry is also very tasty, as is strawberry!
Then daily swim at the Hawley Beach - just wonderful and a place where lots of children play.
On the first evening at 8:30 we can go for a walk with a ranger, we occasionally met at Hawley House - at the top of the Hawley beach to watch little penguins -
they come with fish, by group jumped out of the sea - they come to feed their young penguins who live in the bushes on the beach.
The Ranger has a red light torch to ensure that the penguins are not dazzled.
In the beautiful luxurious Hawley House the give us the address of the Castagni House B & B in Shearwater - we would like to cook for ourselves,
here on the north coast are lots of vegetable fields! Rosemary and David, the lovely owner of Castagni would let us prepare our own dinner in the kitchen,
but we can also order dinner with them, which we absolutely do not regret - we are simply spoiled!
To eat in the winter garden at dusk, overlooking the garden where wallabies graze and later and by David disseminated vegetable waste possums with her cub.
Alex, a guest from Austria, with him we understand immediately well, he owns a construction business in Austria but not a problem for him is also to travel longer, thanks to his smartphone. The workers send pictures to him daily and he sends back the instructions. Alex also likes it much here! But at Saturday evening, the Castagni is booked out and we are all three thrown out of the lovely comfy nest.